Command and conquer red alert 2 full game.exe
Command and conquer red alert 2 full game.exe

Changing SuperGapRadius allows a functional version of the mechanic. However, this seems to have been just a quick way to disable the feature, as both radii are 10. Gap generators have an "ExtraPower" value of -9000, this means when gap generators have 9000 spare power available they can be deployed to use the SuperGapRadiusInCells as their range instead of the base GapRadiusInCells. It's possible the image to the right was used for the death bomb cursor, the time bomb cursor uses the SEAL C4 cursor. "and this one controls double clicking bombs on own guys neither of these will give double click back to Ivan himself // obsolete now that deathbombs cut". Setting CanDetonateDeathBomb to 'yes' in Rules.ini does nothing, as the comment says: Setting CanDetonateTimeBomb to 'yes' in Rules.ini allows double clicking on an enemy with an Ivan bomb on them to instantly detonate it, as the comment says: "Turn this on to restore double click functionality on enemy bombs (actually easier than pulling out the Event)". These use color palettes from the earlier games which weren't left in Red Alert 2's files, and thus can only be properly seen using palettes extracted from the earlier games.

command and conquer red alert 2 full game.exe

Several graphics from Command & Conquer, Red Alert and Tiberian Sun can be found in the data. Located in ra2.mix are some leftover graphics data from older Command & Conquer games, and unused graphics made for early versions of Red Alert 2. "Replaces Visceroid graphics with placeholder images". "Allowing or disallowing switch between video modes". Stands for "Totally Cool Mission Just 4 Fun". THETEAM - Loads a custom tmcj4f.ini file after loading rules.ini, allowing custom rules to be used in skirmish mode. HIRES - Allows selecting resolutions up to 4096x4096 in the options menu. The following codes can be typed on the main menu to unlock different effects, a beep will happen when correctly entered.

command and conquer red alert 2 full game.exe command and conquer red alert 2 full game.exe

Several bits of text unused in Red Alert 2.

Command and conquer red alert 2 full game.exe