Xscope protractor
Xscope protractor

xscope protractor

As they will need to rewrite all their tests! Protractor is almost ready to switch to this version but this still a big issue to end-users. Protractor was not actively developed as well for those years, and you may see outdated documentation or long-standing issues.

xscope protractor xscope protractor

However, Selenium WebDriver was not updated for two years and now they are moving to 4.0. Right, Protractor is based on the official Selenium WebDriver library to drive browsers over W3C protocol. It also became out of sync with its main dependency Selenium WebDriver JS. You can see tons of old issues in the main repo and absolutely no movement in commits for a few months. No major improvements, no bug fixes, no documentation updates. Protractor was not actively updated for a few years. And if you still use it, or you consider using it because of its popularity - stop that. The web has changed, the JavaScript ecosystem has changed, the Selenium has changed, but Protractor didn't. However, nowadays, it doesn't feel so well. It was started as a testing tool for Angular Framework but then overgrew to become a de facto standard of testing in JavaScript. Protractor is a very popular end 2 end testing framework for NodeJS. As of today, it is recommended to switch to modern frameworks like webdriverio or codeceptjs. TLDR: There is a chance that you might still want to use Protractor when version 6 is released.

Xscope protractor